scenic designer - art director
@ ACT of Connecticut
Book & Lyrics by Howard Ashman
Music by Alan Menken
Directed and Choreographed by Jason A. Sparks
Scenic: Ryan Howell
Costumes: Ryan Park
Lighting: Jack Mehler
Sound: John Salutz
Puppet Design: Michael Schweikardt
"The scenic designer Ryan Howell turned the stage into a bright and functional skid row scene that was the best set I have ever seen for LITTLE SHOP"
-Nancy Sasso Janis , The Patch
"...the appearance is authentic, the bricks even looking real. The cast flawlessly performs while the stage is rotating, as some cast members throughout the course of the show may make entrances from the outside of the flower shop, and then end up visible inside the flower shop, as the stage rotates. Scenic designer Ryan Howell and lighting designer Jack Mehler combine their talents to bring forth a truly stunning set."
-Sean Fallon, Broadwayworld.com